This article outlines the steps to open/launch AuditSoft on your device.
Once you have installed AuditSoft, you can easily open the application in a few different ways:
Windows Start button
Click on the Windows Start button (see 1 below)
Click on the AuditSoft folder (see 2 below)
Select the AuditSoft application icon (see 3 below)
Windows Search
Click on the Windows Search button (see 1 below)
In the search area type AuditSoft and click enter (see 2 below)
Select the AuditSoft application icon (see 3 below)
Desktop icon
1. Double click on the AuditSoft desktop icon, or right-click and select 'Open'
Your AuditSoft application should launch in a few seconds and you will be able to get your license to begin an audit or assessment! Check out this article to get your license: How to get a license for your audit or assessment.
If you still have questions, feel free to explore our Solutions page or reach out to [email protected].