Starting an Audit
Now that you have obtained a license for your first audit you can get started by either:
starting a new audit by clicking on a license in the left column (1) under Start new audit or
by a clicking on one of the Recent files in the right column (2)
Layout components
AuditSoft has 3 main components as shown in the image. They are:
3. Tool bar
4. Navigation menu
5. Content page
Each of these components are discussed in more detail below:
Tool bar (3)
Back - back to the previous page
Clock - how much time you have left to complete your audit
Save - save your current working file
Open - open an existing file
Print report - generate a PDF report of the audit content
Merge audits - merge two or more audits
Save action plan - generate an excel spreadsheet action plan
Zoom in - zooming in and increase the text size
Zoom out - zooming out and decreasing the text size
Help - access to this support system
Back to homepage - return to the homepage
Navigation menu (4)
The navigation structure on the left of the page enables you to systematically step through the audit process:
Audit Information - defining the company being audited and the auditor's information
Scope - defining the scope of the audit based on the locations/sites, employees and employment roles
Gathering Evidence - following the ISO 19001 auditing steps of reviewing documentation (D), conducting interviews (I) and recording site observations (O)
Audit Results - formulating your final findings and suggestions based on the evidence
Summary Information - providing supporting information and audit summary content
Content page (5)
Content page changes based on the menu item and navigation option selected. The content pages section is where all content is authored and edited.