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An Overview of your Executive Home Dashboard

This article will outline the different reports in your Executive Home Dashboard.

Written by Radha Saikia
Updated over 2 months ago

The Executive Dashboard is on the Home page of your AuditXchange Administrator account. Only Association Administrators have access to this dashboard. If you think you should have access but don't, reach out to an admin at your Association or to AuditSoft at [email protected].

AuditXchange Home Dashboard button

The Executive Dashboard provides an overview of your COR auditing program at a glance. Each report provides insight into one or more metrics. Each report is outlined below.

1. Audits Completed

This report shows the total number of audits that have been completed (accepted or rejected) in the year selected at the top left corner of the dashboard.

The shaded line graph shows, in green, the trend in audits completed until year-to-date. There is also a trend indicator (Increasing vs Decreasing) that indicates whether the number of audits completed in the past month is more or less than the number of audits completed in the same month last year.

2. Average Review

This report shows the average number of days taken to complete an audit review based on data from the year selected at the top left corner of the dashboard.

The shaded line graph shows, in green, the trend in average review time until year-to-date. There is also a trend indicator (Increasing vs Decreasing) that indicates whether the average review time is increasing or decreasing. This indicator compares the data from the past month to the data from the same month last year.

3. New Companies

This report shows the number of companies that have completed an audit using AuditSoft for the first time in the year selected at the top left corner of the dashboard.

The shaded line graph shows, in green, the trend in the number of new companies year-to-date. There is also a trend indicator (Increasing vs Decreasing) that indicates whether the number of new companies is increasing or decreasing. This indicator compares the number of new companies from the past month to the data from the same month last year.

4. Active Companies

This report shows the number of companies that have viewed their scorecard in the year selected at the top left corner of the dashboard.

The shaded line graph shows, in green, the trend in the number of active companies year-to-date. There is also a trend indicator (Increasing vs Decreasing) that indicates whether the number of active companies is increasing or decreasing. This indicator compares the number of active companies from the past month to the number of active companies from the same month last year.

5. Company Engagement

This consolidated view shows 3 metrics over the last 365 days. This report is not impacted by the year selected at the top left corner of this dashboard.

Active Companies: Number of companies that have viewed their scorecard in the last 365 days.

New Companies: Number of companies that have completed an audit using AuditSoft for the first time in the last 365 days.

Invites Sent: Number of scorecard invitations sent in the last 365 days.

Each metric has an indicator, in green or red, showing whether the current number is an increase or decrease compared to the previous 365 days.

6. AuditSoft Licensing

This is a line graph depicting the number of licenses issued with a year-over-year comparison. There is a line for each year that your association has been using AuditSoft. The number of licenses issued are grouped by month & the report shows the growth in licenses over the year.

The team is able to use the association chart to quickly and accurately determine usage.

  1. Multi-select dropdown to filter data based on association protocols.

  2. Filtering the data should respect protocol selection, as well as “years” in the legend

7. Audit Categories

This report is a donut chart depicting a breakdown of the number of audits based on the different audit protocols & purpose. For example:

Breakdown of COR vs SECOR

And for each COR & SECOR, breakdown of Maintenance vs Certification vs Recertification.

These categories will be customized to your association's specific protocols & audit purpose categories.

8. Audits Per Industry

This report shows the number of audits submitted in each industry (based on industry code, classification unit, etc). It also shows the percentage increase or decrease in audits per industry in the current year compared to the previous year.

9. Audit Score Trend

This graph shows the number of audits that have scored higher or lower than their previous audit, broken down by month. The top half of the graph (in green) shows the number of audits that scored higher than their previous audit and the bottom half shows the number of audits that scored lower than their previous audit (in red).

10. Licenses

This is a consolidated view of the AuditSoft licenses management for your COR program. If your association approves licenses, the number of licenses pending approval will be displayed here. The total number of purchased licenses is also displayed.

Selecting the 'Show All-Time' toggle will show all-time license data; otherwise, the report displays data from the current year.

11. Audit Cycle

This report shows the average number of days in between each stage of the audit cycle for the year selected on the top left of the dashboard. The stages are:

Start: First day on site, as recorded by the auditor under 'Audit Details' section in the audit

End: Last day on site, as recorded by the auditor under 'Audit Details' section in the audit

Submit: Submission received date, which is when the initial submission is received

Complete: Audit completion date, which is when the audit is accepted or rejected

The Audit Cycle report shows the average number of days in between each stage & an indicator that shows a decline or an increase in the average number compared to the previous year.

The median Revision Count (number of revisions requested per audit) is also displayed in this report, under 'Revisions'.

Finally, this report can be filtered to show the data for Certification, Maintenance, Renewal, and all audits.

12. Auditor Overview

This report shows the number of auditors that have completed an audit for your association using AuditSoft. The different auditor types are:

External Auditors

Internal Auditors

Self Assessors


Auditors who submit audits through AuditXchange will not be recorded here.

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